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Decluttering your space and your mind,
Organising your space,
Clearing the way for you to Create quality time for yourself and your loved ones

Linda J Harper
Jan 26, 2022
How You Can Harness Your Mindset For Successful Decluttering And Organisation
When you embark on a decluttering or organising project your mindset could be the tool which means success or failure. And mindset is a...

Linda J Harper
Dec 14, 2021
36 Clutter-Free Christmas Gifts For All the Family
Do you know the person who has got everything, or the person who has no more room for anything, or the person who is hard to buy for, or...

Linda J Harper
Nov 16, 2021
The 23+ easiest items to declutter from your home beginning today!
In my handy Declutter Journal you have a book which will take you through each area of your house and give you a checklist to work...

Linda J Harper
Nov 3, 2021
Follow these easy steps to de-junk your junk drawer - no spend!
I don’t think I’ve ever been without a junk drawer! I would even go as far to say a junk drawer is an essential in every home!! BUT! A...

Linda J Harper
Oct 19, 2021
Four Great Questions To Ask Yourself To Help You Declutter & Organise Successfully!
Let's start with some background on how I have learned to move away from the idea that there is one way to organise your home and that...

Linda J Harper
Sep 7, 2021
A Declutterers Guide to Procrastination and How to Overcome it!
This DOCC Blog is talking to the procrastinators amongst us!. Procrastination: The action of delaying or postponing something...

Linda J Harper
Aug 31, 2021
The Top 13 Quick and Simple Ways to Make Your Home Appear Less Cluttered
Is your home fairly uncluttered and organised but you are still dissatisfied by how it looks and feels? How disappointing! You’ve spent...

Linda J Harper
Aug 10, 2021
What is sentimental clutter and how do you deal with it?
What is sentimental clutter? Sentimental clutter is a category of clutter which includes those items you are holding onto for fear of...

Linda J Harper
Aug 3, 2021
22 Decluttering Mistakes - in Detail! - and How to Avoid Them!
As Bob Ross said on many occasions ‘ there are no mistakes…. Only happy accidents!’ Wouldn’t it make life a little easier if we could...

Linda J Harper
Jul 20, 2021
16 Reasons to Hire a Professional Declutterer and Organiser (and a few reasons not to!)
What can a Professional Declutterer or Organiser do for you? Apart from the obvious benefits - having a wardrobe full of clothes you can...

Linda J Harper
Jul 6, 2021
10 Brilliant Tips to Help You Find Lost Objects In Your Home
How often do you put something down only for it to be completely lost the next time you go to look for it?! Here are 10 handy tips for...

Linda J Harper
Jun 28, 2021
Preparing to Declutter - or - where the heck do I begin?!
You’ve decided to run a marathon….. Oh! No - you’ve decided to embark on a decluttering project - what do you need to know? First of all...

Linda J Harper
Jun 22, 2021
Post Decluttering No.1 Rule....
You've done the hard work. You've worked with a professional declutterer and organiser or you've done it by yourself - but you've done...

Linda J Harper
Jun 15, 2021
Before and After Wardrobe / Closet Sort Out.
What is a wardrobe for? Do you use it purely for clothes or do you use it as a general storage area? This wardrobe had been used for both...

Linda J Harper
Jun 9, 2021
Before and After Under Sink Kitchen Cupboard
We had a disaster! The washing machine broke down and in order to fix it MrC had to empty the cupboard under the sink. This is what I...

Linda J Harper
May 25, 2021
Why Journaling?
This month I have been talking about how journaling can be used as a tool to help in the process of decluttering and organising your home...

Linda J Harper
May 18, 2021
Where Are You On The Declutter Board?
Depending on where you are in the great decluttering and organising spectrum there are many different tools you can use to get into the...

Linda J Harper
May 10, 2021
Journal Your Way to a Decluttered Life!
At the start of 2021 I began to journal. Every morning I write down everything that is going through my mind. It can be writing down...

Linda J Harper
May 5, 2021
The Number One Most Important Tool When Decluttering Your Home.
The most important tool you need when beginning to declutter your home is the right attitude and mindset. There have been many examples,...

Linda J Harper
Apr 6, 2021
5 Simple Steps to Gain Time Everyday to Spend on The Things You Love - Part 3...
Step 3 and we are going to create a Basic Weekly Plan. You are beginning to get into the routine of putting things away after using them...
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