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Decluttering your space and your mind,
Organising your space,
Clearing the way for you to Create quality time for yourself and your loved ones

Linda J Harper
Jun 8, 2022
An Update on The DOCC Blog
This is a difficult DOCC Blog to write. If you have been a follower and friend of the DOCC Blog for some time you will probably have...

Linda J Harper
May 3, 2022
How I am Recovering from Covid and how I rely on Basic Routines and Pottering!
I am recovering from COVID 19 and it’s taking much longer than I thought and hoped it would. After spending 5 days in bed and napping...

Linda J Harper
Feb 15, 2022
Why Loving Yourself is an Important First Step in Creating your Decluttered, Organised Home!
I get so cross with myself, sometimes. I feel like I have let myself down - again. If I’m honest I treat myself worse than I would treat...

Linda J Harper
Nov 23, 2021
How I attempted to get three teens to do chores - now you can try too! (free printable)
I am a very lucky and blessed woman! I have three of the most generous hearted - now grown up - children you could wish for. However, at...

Linda J Harper
Jul 27, 2021
A few things you don’t know about me! And let me introduce…..THE DOCC BLOG!
This week I am having a week off so I thought I would just leave you with a few things about me you might not have known! I cut my own...

Linda J Harper
Jul 13, 2021
How Do I Get My Children To Tidy Up?
Ok - this is a biggie!! How do I get my children to tidy up? First of all it is important to understand : I thought I was fighting a...

Linda J Harper
Sep 29, 2020
My Birthday Month Is Approaching!
For me a birthday is a time to refresh. I've journeyed around the sun for 365 days since last October and it's time to start looking at...

Linda J Harper
Sep 1, 2020
Decluttering and Organising my own Space!!
This week I am trying something new! Please bear with...... Today's clearout is my ShShShtudio. Over the last few weeks I've spent a lot...

Linda J Harper
Aug 25, 2020
And What About The Grown Up Wardrobe?!
Last week I showed you the small wardrobe that is not a wardrobe - this week I will show you the real wardrobe! It isn't a clothes clear...

Linda J Harper
Aug 18, 2020
Organising My Teeny Wardrobe That Isn't A Wardrobe Anymore!!
I live in a 1980's house that is woefully short on built-in storage. This means that although it appears lovely and spacious, I have to...

Linda J Harper
Aug 8, 2020
20 minute focus on your sole/soul!
Yesterday was hard on my feet! Work was hot and stuffy and I think my shoe size expanded as the day wore on!! So this morning I'm taking...

Linda J Harper
Jul 21, 2020
My Roof Space - Into the Unknown
First of all a small disclaimer! My daughter and I already started to clear some things out of the roof at the start of lockdown but I...
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