I live in a 1980's house that is woefully short on built-in storage. This means that although it appears lovely and spacious, I have to be a bit crafty and inventive when it comes to finding homes for things! And it is hard!! There is no under stairs cupboard or airing cupboard ( well there is of sorts but there is that much piping in it that there is precious little storage!) We don't have a spare room, and you've seen what can happen if we store too much up in the roof!! https://www.lindajharper.com/post/my-roof-space-into-the-unknown
I keep the ironing board in the downstairs loo but to be frank it's used that rarely that I should probably declutter it! Knowing my luck that will be the day before one of us gets an office job and has to wear smart shirts!!

And this is one of the places where those 'no where to put it' items end up in my house!!
This is a wardrobe in my bedroom. Two of the three drawers underneath at the moment hold clothes destined for the charity shops when they start accepting donations again, the top drawer is where I keep my nighties and underwear. All my other clothes are in a proper grown up size wardrobe on the other side of the room!
So, do you want to look inside?

Time to get it all out! Oh and there was also a pile on top of the wardrobe which didn't make the picture!

It didn't look like there was that much !!
Next to cleaning!
Wow! These masks are versatile and useful!!
Unfortunately the wardrobe isn't in the best condition..

Still, we're working on the garden at the moment so no money for new furniture!
Now to go through the pile on the bed - the usual piles - Rubbish, Charity shop, Needs Another Home and Stays Here.
My process:-
This is the part I enjoy!! Some of the bags are going to charity shops, along with the toys, books and a pin board amongst other things! Some empty boxes are being recycled whilst the 'nice' ones are being reused in the wardrobe for storing scarves in! There was a ridiculously large number of items that should be in other rooms but ended up here too, and items of uniform from previous jobs!
Now to put things back. Going back in are my steamer ( in the Tesco bag), the rarely used iron, some of the bags, some scarves, my son's shirt, a spare water flask in the shape of a half moon ( I know, but I love them and when I bought them they were gold, silver and this multi coloured one - the gold sprung a leak so I'm on the silver one at the moment - they were from Poundland UK but I can't find them online ) and a scrapbook, jewelry box and the box of pebbles etc (!?) Oh! And the two hats of course!!

I know it still looks a little haphazard, but you know - I say it in nearly every post!! One size does not fit all! I do want to get some nice matching baskets or bins to put the bags and scarves and hats in, but you need to organise for now - not the future you! Procrastination is the enemy of organisation. If you put off sorting out that cupboard until you have the right storage you will a) probably never start it and b) buy the wrong storage for your needs anyway!!
Whilst I was doing the cupboard I thought I would show you the top drawer. If you don't need to see the underwear drawer of a +50 year old then stop reading here!!! I have managed to keep it pretty well organised for a while now so decided to invest in some storage to make my heart sing when I open the drawer!! Because I have lived with the system and know it works for me I felt that I wouldn't be wasting my money!
The storage baskets were from B&M - again I cant find them online to share a link I'm afraid!
Don't be afraid to just give it ago! Start small, get used to the feeling of looking at your items objectively, it can be very hard but it is not impossible!
Do you need more hands on help to find a way to create a clutter free, more organised home? I can help you in person (depending on current guidelines) or virtually. Contact me to see how we can work together to find the solution to your own situation.
Please contact me via my email lindajharper@yahoo.com or using the chat bubble on my website, I would love to help you!
Take a look at my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Linda-J-Harper-Professional-Declutterer-and-Organiser-107805011001601. Peruse at your leisure, and message me if you need me!! I am also on Pinterest if you need some inspiration! https://www.pinterest.co.uk/adnilenaj1314/boards/