Woo Hoo! Week One of the February 2021 Challenge is done and dusted! How did you do?
Have you started Week 2 with me over on https://www.facebook.com/LindaJHarper.ProfessionalDecluttererandOrganiser/ and
Here is how my week has gone!
Sorry for this!! A picture of my discarded underwear! Anything that had lost it's colour or had a hole or that I just no longer wear was added to the 'go' pile.
Now this is a success for previous sorting! I only had one odd sock and one pair to add to the 'go' pile!
Again - this could have been worse! All the people in this house have stopped growing now, thank goodness! So the shoes that are going are all way beyond donating stage with flappy soles or holes in them, so onto the 'go' pile they went!
I have a habit of getting rid of junk mail as soon as it comes into the house - these are things that I have read and no longer need. I can highly recommend getting into the habit of going through your mail at least once a week so that all the paperwork doesn't get overwhelming.
If paperwork is something you struggle with take a look at my Paper Clutter Blogs:
A few years ago this would have been much worse!
I am amazed how a few routines and habits can make a difference to the amount of clutter in a home.
If you want to see how setting up routines can be life changing and life saving (!) take a look at:
A day off, or do the bonus challenge! I did manage to find 22 items!!
I didn't do too well with my before and after pictures here!! Emptying the bins is something I really need to add into a weekly routine, I've been a bit haphazard in keeping them clean and empty recently so I'm adding them into my Monday weekly house roundup! How they escaped this in the first place I'll never know!
So, that's Week One. Did you join in? Send me your pictures!
Have you also been joining in with the Bonus Decluttering Challenges?
Take a look at my Instagram and Facebook pages to see how I'm getting on!!
You can contact me via my email lindajharper@yahoo.com or using the chat bubble on my website, I would love to help you!
You can message me on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Linda-J-Harper-Professional-Declutterer-and-Organiser-107805011001601.
I am also on Pinterest and Instagram if you need some inspiration! https://www.pinterest.co.uk/adnilenaj1314/boards/