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Hello, and a massive WELCOME!!!!

Declutter Journal
A Journal for my Thoughts, Gratitude and Feelings

Linda J Harper is getting a makeover!!

Check out the brand new DECLUTTER HUB and ORGANISING HUB

You can still browse the DOCC Blog for organising and decluttering hints and tips and you can visit the Amazon Store and Etsy Shop.

Be sure to pop back!!

If you want updates on when more pages are added to the site - use the chat below and I will add you to my email list!

Exciting times ahead.........


Here is an idea of what I am working on to update and improve the websit!!!

I am so glad you have arrived!

You have found our little corner of the internet dedicated to helping YOU overcome your chaos, overwhelm, disorganisation and frustration by introducing you to decluttering, organising, clearing and creating a life you love and want to live to the full!


By giving you hints, tips and strategies we will negotiate our way through your chaos, overwhelm and disorganisation and find a world where you have more time to do the things you really love and to be with the people you truly care for. No more distractions, no more being ashamed of your cluttered home and lifestyle! 

And what if I said we can probably save you money into the bargain?!!

Not buying something only to find you already own it but it was hidden, not throwing out out of date food, knowing the importance of being mindful about your purchases?


Does this sound like the life advice you need today?!


Whether you have stumbled upon us by accident ( was it really an accident, though?!) or if you have followed me for ages on instagram and the DOCC Blog, we are ready to embark on an exciting and fulfilling journey together.


And I’m as excited as you are to see what unfolds for you!!


Ok so where to begin?


First of all as many wise people have said




So before you do anything else pop over to the DECLUTTER HUB where you will find me waiting to help you kickstart your journey!!


Once you have begun your decluttering and begun to see how beneficial it is you may be ready to think about getting your ‘stuff’ and your life more organised.

This is where the ORGANISING HUB and the CLEAR YOUR MIND HUB will be your best friends!

Then we have the CREATIVITY HUB! When you have the SPACE and the TIME  you can begin to create your life the way you want it. Visit this hub when you want some inspiration or motivation!




I still post on Instagram:

(linked below)


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