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Sorting and Organising Your Paper
A whole organising category of it's own!
Organising my paper was probably the time when I finally began to think
'Yes! I am getting somewhere now! '
And my life began to feel more and more in my control!

My Story
In my Docc Blog I have done a short series about Paper Clutter:
Let's Talk ......Paper Clutter
How to keep on top of your paper system..
Marie Kondo and Swedish Death Cleaning on Paper Clutter
In Let's Talk.....Paper ClutterI walk through how I gathered all my papers from every room in the house and brought it all together in one place.
I spent the whole day sorting, shredding and thinking about every bit of paper that I had found! It was a definite marathon and took a lot longer than I thought! Many people may prefer to do this in sprints rather than one long session but due to my personality type , if I stepped away I would probably disconect from the whole thing and really struggle to get back to it!!
However long you decide to give yourself - double it! The technique is the same whether you do sprints or a marathon - There are 5 categories:
If you follow the link to the blog CLICK HERE you can see exactly how these categories will help you get down to your essential paper and remove all the neccesary and unwanted stuff.
The next blog in the series is
How to keep on top of your paper system....
I used a simple 'DEAL WITH IT' tray in our entry hallway. As I mention in the Declutter Hub find the area where you tend to drop your mail and school letters etc and designate this the ZONE. This was our area!
This method of gathering all your incoming paperwork only really works if you and the other members of the household are methodically opening and dealin with what gathers there.
More recently I have been using the Sunday Basket. A system developed by Lisa Woodruff with her company Organize 365. She offers excellent, quality products to keep you in control of your household paperwork. Just by binge consuming her generous free content and videos I was able to create an organised centre for all the weeks paperwork and deal with it all in one go. Although I began by creating my own 'Basket' using my own supplies I am now all in with her Basket!!
This is a link to a webinar she did taking you through the system it is quite long but really helped me understand how it would work in my household. Once you are in control of your paper you can plan ahead without fear of forgetting dates or mislaying appointments or invitations!
Now I can honestly say, I know what i am doing and when and where all the documents are if I need them!
This has been life changing for me, it will be for you to!

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