Many of you may recognise this list already! It is the Christmas Card List which is in my 2020 Christmas Planner ( available as a download on ETSY - now 25% off!) .
I am now offering this list in my web store for free alongside many other Little Helpers.
As you fill it in this year and Tip: Note down names and addresses of people who have sent you a card, remember to keep this list in your Christmas Planner for next year so that it is ready to go! The 2021 Christmas Planner will be in ETSY in plenty of time next year so you can transfer your pages over and keep everything up to date!
I hope you are managing to do the little things this year. Christmas is not going to be the same, whether you are going to meet up with family or not. Just by doing the little things like keeping in touch, checking up on people who maybe need an extra boost at this time of year, and if that person is you - taking self care seriously.
Things do look like they are set to change with the hope of vaccines on the horizon so we can begin to look forwards more now but in the meantime remember you are your best friend and greatest asset, take care xx
You can get to my Etsy shop and visit my web store through the website.