I know, I know!!! It’s still only September!!
In fact, as I write this DOCC Blog, it is warm and sunny outside!!

However, I am uploading the ‘My 2021 Christmas Planner’ (PDF) in my ETSY shop and want to explain why.

It actually begins in September…… but please, don’t shout at me! The main September Countdown prompt is to begin a Raid the Freezer meal night! If you begin to work your way through all the food you already have in the weeks ahead, by the time you reach your actual Christmas Food Shop you should have created plenty of space in the freezer, fridge, cupboards, pantry and anywhere else where you store food!
Do you want a sneaky peak? For more detailed information I will be posting on instagram all this week! https://www.instagram.com/linda_j_harper/
There are five sections
HOW TO USE YOUR PLANNER You can really begin anywhere as each section will help you create the Christmas you want.
In the DATE PLANNER you will be able to mark important dates on the CALENDAR pages, September through to December, each month has a CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN which gives you tasks to do leading up to the Big Day. As you complete a task - tick it off, add any ideas to the countdown which are specific to your own situation!
The GIFTS AND LISTS section has separate CHRISTMAS PRESENT LISTs for family, friends and secret santa, teacher etc. This is also where you can keep track of Christmas cards on the CHRISTMAS CARD LIST and track your budget and actual spending on the CHRISTMAS SPENDING TRACKER, there is even a page for your ONLINE SPENDING TRACKER!
I can’t deny that the FOOD AND MEAL PLANNING section is my absolute favourite. It follows the technique I use most weeks, SHOP AT HOME - where you list what you already have - CHRISTMAS MEAL PLANNER- covering all the main Christmas meals - and finally a CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST. By shopping your own freezer, fridge and cupboards you can save time, money and space. It will help plan your meals and also mean your shopping list wil be a lot easier to stick to beacuse you really do have a good idea what you need and what you already have.
The ANYTHING ELSE section just gives you a few more ideas for if you are travelling for Christmas or if you work over the Christmas period and there is a page for any NOTES you may wish to make as you go along.
You can print as many pages as you like once you purchase and download the planner. All this for £5.99!!!
I really hope you find that by using ‘My 2021 Christmas Planner’ you will have an organised, enjoyable and above all joyful Christmas time!
You can comment below ↓↓ or look at the end of the blog for all the ways you can contact me privately. I love hearing from you with all your ideas and photos of the areas you are working on!!
If you want to delve deeper into finding a ‘system’ which will work for you, you can contact me via my email lindajharper@yahoo.com or using the chat bubble on my website, I would love to help you!
You can message me on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Linda-J-Harper-Professional-Declutterer-and-Organiser-107805011001601.
I am also on Pinterest and Instagram if you need some inspiration! https://www.pinterest.co.uk/adnilenaj1314/boards/