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Decluttering your space and your mind,
Organising your space,
Clearing the way for you to Create quality time for yourself and your loved ones

Linda J Harper
Jan 26, 2022
How You Can Harness Your Mindset For Successful Decluttering And Organisation
When you embark on a decluttering or organising project your mindset could be the tool which means success or failure. And mindset is a...

Linda J Harper
Jan 11, 2022
How Holding Yourself Accountable Can Help You Reach Your Goals.
The new year has begun, we’ve set out resolutions which are specific, achievable and desirable

Linda J Harper
Oct 19, 2021
Four Great Questions To Ask Yourself To Help You Declutter & Organise Successfully!
Let's start with some background on how I have learned to move away from the idea that there is one way to organise your home and that...

Linda J Harper
Aug 10, 2021
What is sentimental clutter and how do you deal with it?
What is sentimental clutter? Sentimental clutter is a category of clutter which includes those items you are holding onto for fear of...

Linda J Harper
Jun 28, 2021
Preparing to Declutter - or - where the heck do I begin?!
You’ve decided to run a marathon….. Oh! No - you’ve decided to embark on a decluttering project - what do you need to know? First of all...

Linda J Harper
May 5, 2021
The Number One Most Important Tool When Decluttering Your Home.
The most important tool you need when beginning to declutter your home is the right attitude and mindset. There have been many examples,...

Linda J Harper
Jan 5, 2021
2021 - New Year, New You? Or New Year, Keep Putting One Foot In Front Of The Other?
How often have you started a new year with the belief that this is the year you will become your best self only to give up trying and...

Linda J Harper
Oct 13, 2020
National Train Your Brain Day!
It's National Train Your Brain Day today!! Well - it is in The United States, anyway! Putting systems and routines in place where there...

Linda J Harper
Sep 29, 2020
My Birthday Month Is Approaching!
For me a birthday is a time to refresh. I've journeyed around the sun for 365 days since last October and it's time to start looking at...

Linda J Harper
Aug 8, 2020
20 minute focus on your sole/soul!
Yesterday was hard on my feet! Work was hot and stuffy and I think my shoe size expanded as the day wore on!! So this morning I'm taking...
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